Friday, October 14, 2011

Part V

This might be disappointing, since no weirdness really took place, no pajamas, no domestic disputes or snakes or obsessive milk jug census, but I stopped by the dollar store on my way home yesterday to get a couple things. It seems that every time I go, I end up with that cashier, no matter what day or time, even if it's been ages since I was last there. As always, I made a mental wish that she not be working today, but I resigned myself to the inevitable and went on in. Well, in my shopping, I actually forgot about it. And I didn't think about it again until I went to get in line. There was one customer in front of me, which I wouldn't have thought much about except...

It was HER. This time she was a customer! I mean, I can't get a break. If she's not working there, she is shopping there.

I glanced over at the other line and noticed that the person behind the one checking out had only a couple items, so I discreetly slipped behind him.

I don't think she saw me.

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